As being Green becomes more mainstream, there are more tips and ways to be part of it without dramatically changing our lifestyle. e-Design 2, a PBS program (which I post before), has some good resource on how to become more green by using less energy and save some money. Some of them are pretty easy:
Place a brick in the toilet tank, save four gallons of water per flush, or 13,000 gallons per year. (Depends on what kind of brick, of course)
Drive 65 miles per hour instead of 75; increase your fuel efficiency by 15 percent. (Unless you are already late for work)
Cable and video game boxes and other electronics use as much energy in standby mode as a 75-watt light bulb that’s left on continuously. Plug devices into a power strip, which makes it easy to turn them all the way out.
Swap five incandescent bulbs for compact fluorescents. If every household did, we'd keep the equivalent of 8 million cars’ emissions out of the atmosphere each year. (Can you believe that?)
10 million hectares of ancient forest are vanishing every year—that’s a soccer field every two seconds. Switch to 100 percent recycled fiber napkins, save 1 million trees. (OK, not exactly money saving, but you can save trees!)
Actually there are more tips like that on Al Gore’s Climate Crisis website.
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